Fresh Red potatoes will not only require less time, but are easier to prepare.
Three pounds fresh red potatoes cut into triangular bite sized slices.
Manteca (Mexica pork lard) to fry
White vinegar
Water for blanching the potatoes in acidulated water.
Bring water to a roiling boil. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees (F).
Blanch the sliced potatoes for three to five minutes in water made mildly acid with vinegar. Drain in a collinder for 30 minutes. Do not pat dry. Spread on a glass dish that has been greased with lard.*
When oven is preheated, put glass dish in oven to melt the lard. Remove pan with oven mitts. Add the potatoes, and toss to fully coat the potatoes adding a sprinkle of salt as you turn over potatoes. Cook for 1/2 hour, then turn potatoes with a metal spatula, and continue browning until a golden brown.
Remove from the oven and add pepper to desired amount. Run spatula to loosen the potatoes.
Serve warm or the the desired heat. Garnish as desired, I use minced rosemary.
*The French used duck fat.
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